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Down With Dirt

It is not often an interview session goes beyond my anticipated time, but that is exactly what happened this past weekend when I had the grand opportunity to sit down with upcoming artist, Young Dirt. The expected 20 minute interview turned into 40 minutes of in depth conversation in regards to who Dirt was as an artist and beyond. Representing The Milliup Broadcasting Team, I received much more than I bargained for. 

Coming straight out of the Carolinas proudly from the small 336 town of Reidsville, NC, Dirt is for sure a force to be reckoned with in the industry. Though from a small surrounding, there is nothing “small” about this artist and his drive. These are the artists who carry the stories of a small town and translate them into a bigger picture in a studio booth; the type of artist who are never ashamed of where they come from, but simultaneously evolve into their new sense of self overtime. Dirt is sure to implement both of those ideas in not only his music, but carrying it true right within his name as well. During the interview when asked the meaning behind such a raw and straight forward artist name, he stated that his name not only indicated who he used to be, but also the person he is continuing to become. He stated “You don’t have to change yourself completely, but you do have to adjust.” Within conversation I learned that the tales from “getting it out of the mud” (or dirt in this arena), were some of the backbone to good music and storytelling for the artist as he progressed. 

The bread and butter of our meeting, and my most anticipated conversation of the interview was in regards to his newest album, appropriately titled “Summer Soul.” Barely a week old, the project was laced in just what the name implies, SOUL. Dirt was sure to bring a plethora of vibes to the table from delicate and graceful melodies in “Summer Soul” and “Window Pain’” , to the head noddin’ hustle lyrics of “Respeck on my name” and “In my bag.” Dirt certainly produced a project that steered listeners clear of the “next” button on their playlist. It was not a piece you could just only listen to , it was instead intentional artistry you could “feel”. The artist certainly was able to grasp not only the auditory attention of listeners, but hearts that could relate and feel the stories and words being translated. 

Dirt shared the floor with other upcoming artists, some of which deriving from the same roots of Reidsville as he. He was excited about the variety of talent presented on his album and the different elements it brought to the songs. Once again, he stayed  true to the namesake of the album, featuring his daughter on one of the most popular singles of the album entitled “Lord Willin’.” Pulling on heart strings for certain, and giving fans real life to relate to. This was not a rap album typically correlated with fast cars, money, and women, but instead a project produced from stories of parenthood, pandemic pauses of careers, loss of loved ones, and other real life stories of which we all can relate to. 

Though intended to promote who Dirt is as an artist and his newest gift to us as listeners, the interview provided much more than that which I expected. We dived into conversations in regards to how to move in the rap industry, balancing family life and professionalism, dating as an artist, his clothing brand Grind Hard Sleep Less (GHSL Brand), and so much more. To hear the full interview of a real artist giving you the real spill, click the link below! I am sure you won’t be disappointed! In the meantime, tap into the most sultry and beautifully presented rap albums of the summer.  I am sure you will have “Summer Soul”, on repeat, because I know I do! 



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Super dope, congratulations dirt!

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