The definition of “Fleet” /flēt/:
A group, engaged in the same activity… or under the same ownership.
When most people including myself think of the word “fleet” we imagine a large group of ships, vehicles, airplanes, etc… but rarely does when one hear the word “fleet” they think of a group of people, until now! Now, at least where I’m from in the southeastern region of the US, when anyone in the music industry mentions the word “fleet” the recipient almost ALWAYS immediately thinks of THE FLEET DJs COALITION because of their reputation for their corporate yet still (300+ members) family-like structured foundation of DJs/employees/entertainers and the respect they’ve earned as a brand nationwide
Meet the C.O.O. of the Fleet DJs Coalition Aaron Shevack BKA “Aaron Fleet DJs”! We met on Facebook… networking is key y’all!
Born part latino in Passaic, NJ “Aaron Fleet DJs” as he prefers to be called was educated at Montclair State University and eventually began a career in marketing and promotions, he found my new single “Til I’m A Self-Made Millionaire” refreshing at the least of words.
Aaron Fleet DJs is C.F.O of Fleet International LLC
Aaron Fleet DJs is actively involved in the latino community and still organizes civic and political events in New Jersey and North Carolina.
Currently promoting “The Truth Talk Show” on “Tag Radio”
Full of knowledge and experience, Aaron Fleet DJs sat with me as I told him some of my most intimate fears and concerns as a man, peforming artist, and business owner. I listened carefully just trying to soak up all of the advice that I could get as I chowed down over drinks and wings (lol).
During our conversation I mentioned that I have a new EDM style song on the way called #OutOfMyElement, that’s when Aaron Fleet DJs told me about “Fleet EDM” one of the many ways the the Fleet DJs Coalition is expanding beyond mainly the hip-hop culture!
If you have not heard of it yet, the Fleet DJs Coalition hosts an annual music conference called “The Fleet DJs Music Conference” of course (lol). This year the conference is scheduled to be hosted in Charlotte, NC and their presence will definitely stroke the ego of the “Queen City” with its newfound nickname “Charlit!”. For more info on the Fleet DJs Coalition Music Conference and how to be a part of the festival see the flyer provided:
Aaron Fleet DJs seems to me to be a complete business directory kind of guy with all of the folks he was mentioning in our conversation as well as other businesses. He’s a human dictionary of “what to-“, “when to-“, and “how-to”. I consider him myself as a good person/business associate, someone everyone should know, and for your success and mentorship Mr. Aaron Shevack I would like to personally award you with the #MilliUp stamp! Stay Up, Stay Grind’N homie it’s been a pleasure!
Truth separates the weak from the obsolete!
MilliUp! “Where opportunity meets ambition!”