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The Money Meeko




Since I began dabbling in the music industry I can say one thing for sure I have had the pleasure of meeting many artist from every corner of North America. One thing I enjoy is hearing their story. How long they have been writing, singing, rapping or whatever their dream may be. I would have to say it was in the summer of 2016 when I first met the artist The Money Meeko. We met under circumstances not directly related to his career, we exchanged numbers and went our separate ways. You know how you have some acquaintances that always text you random things but you never actually talk to? That is how Money Meeko and I were for a long time, he was always sending me links to his music, performances and videos. We never really spoke, it was just a quick text from him sharing his music. We recently reconnected and started communicating and are going to do some work together which I have to admit, I am excited about this opportunity. Money Meeko is wise beyond his years and because he is very quiet when you first meet him, you almost miss out on how humble and genuine he is. That old cliche about not judging a book by it’s cover is so true. I am not only excited about working with Money Meeko, I’m excited for his career which is on the rise here in his hometown of Atlanta, GA. If you are not yet familiar with Money Meeko, check him out, you won’t be disappointed. The Money Meeko will soon be a household name. Watch for his newest project Fresh Money 2, which is scheduled to be released January 1, 2018. We will be seeing alot of this Hot Upcoming Atlanta Artist! Stay tuned for more Money!

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Carolina George

Respect where respect is due! If anyone can appreciate a grinder in this music industry its definitely me! #Salute @TheMoneyMeeko

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