The name alone makes some people flinch with an innate fear that was instilled in most of us as a young children, “stay away from those blackwidows, because one bite will put you in the grave”. Well a few months back I was contacted by the artist/MC who calls herself “Blackwidow Love Child”. Although at the time I was not familiar with her music, I quickly did my research and was pleasantly surprised by all that I discovered about this mysterious Blackwidow. She is originally from Alabama but soon will be calling the ATL her home, she is dedicated not only to God, family and fans but she is also a business woman and mentor to other upcoming artist. That old cliche about “actions are worth a thousand words” is the best I can describe this Blackwidow, she and I instantly had this connection and became fast friends. Encouraging, humble and loyal are the three words that come to mind when I think of her. If you have not heard the music from this true Southern Belle, you gotta check out her new album. As an entertainer who truly wants to please her fans, she is one of the hardest working women I have come across in a long time. My personal favorite track is “So Fine”, with her lyrics, this song makes you think of a special moment that we all have experienced at some time in our life. Be sure to check out this lovely lady, you will not be disappointed. She has alot more in store for her old and new fans. I would like to send a personal message to Blackwidow, I am honored and blessed to call you friend!
Hello @BlackWidow feel free to bless us with your music on https://www.milliup.com/milliservices its a SELF-REGISTRATION and FREE for any artists.